Curfews Keep Teens Out Of Trouble

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Teens in america should not have a curfew, or should they? Curfews can have a positive effect on teens and curfews can also have a negative affect. The curfew for teens can keep teens out of trouble with the police and their parents.Teens in america need a curfew for their well being. First of all, the positive effects of a curfew consist of keeping teens out of trouble. Teens today go out trying different things because it’s new to them. Parents and police set curfew for teens on their license as a result the amount of teens they have to arrest or even suspend their license because they are staying out too late doing bad things . The curfew for teens essential for their well being and for their health. Some teens stay out too late and don’t get enough sleep for school because of this they may experience a drop in grades. Teens today need to do what they want to even if it’s bad we can’t control them, but they need to at least be back home before their curfew is over with. I think curfew should only be set for the teens that don’t use it for good. …show more content…

Some teens use their curfew to study school work with a friend. The problem with curfew is that they don’t have enough time to study. The curfew should at least be 10:30 on the school nights, with this amount of time you can have ample time to study. Teens also have jobs that sometime require them to work late. The rule is that as long as they are at work then they go straight home you can stay for your job hours. The downside of that is some cops get suspicious of teens , and if you work at a fast food restaurant you get something to eat then when you get home you have like 30 minutes since you stop working then you have no proof that you left work to go straight home. Then you might be in trouble with your parents and possibly with the police since they don’t know you or trust you. I think teens with jobs should at least be given an hour before they have to be

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