Cultural Study Theory

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Cultural Studies Theory Cultural criticism is a literary theory, which focuses not only on the historical origin of a piece of literature, but on its obvious social, political, and economic influences as well (Meyer 2034). When the culture or context is studied, the motives or tensions, which drive characters’ behaviors, may be accounted for and studied (Crawford). Cultural critics use strategies such as deconstructionism, gender studies, new historicism, and psychology to analyze and evaluate pieces of work (Meyer 2128). Literary texts are not the only thing which cultural critics critique; in fact, they analyze a wide range of items from comic strips, to commercials, to radio talk shows (Meyer 2128). The term culture has been stretched and redefined to include the popular culture of today’s modern day society, as well as the culture we associate with the so-called classics (Smith). Almost all-human activity is defined and influenced by culture, nothing is too minor or major, obscure or pervasive, to escape the range of its analytic vision (Meyer 2035). A well-renowned theorist, Diana Trilling, was a cultural and social critic for over 50 years (Norman). She lived through the Great Depression, the rise and fall of Fascism and Communism, World War II, and Prohibition; Trilling clung to her old-fashion values (Norman). Her writing expressed her interest in esthetics, society, moral values, and the political issues of her day (Norman). Her work, which was published in many ...

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