Cultural Differences Between Native American Civilization And Native Americans

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While their efforts destroyed many of the unfortified houses and buildings many of the townspeople survived. The city was destroyed, leaving many families homeless without resources and had to be taken in by other families. When John returned to the community it was said he gathered up the freed cattle and took account of what remained in the town. The war of 1675 lead by King Philip came to an end in Southern Massachusetts resulting in the tribes of Connecticut valley moving west into the Berkshire Mountains and further into what is now considered Albany NY where they establish trading agreements with the Dutch. The final words left by the Agawam tribes what we can sum up to be our inevitable doom. “Only when the last tree has died, and the …show more content…

The distinct differences between the two cultures proved to be a dividing wedge used to steal resources. As a nomadic people, Natives did not construct buildings for permeant use. The buildings the built can be broken down making their impact of the earth little as possible. What they valued was access to the rivers, forests and to retain traditional cultural ways including kinships and seasonal camps through the valley. As Native Americans worshiped their gods respective to earthly movements and offering during Fall harvest of spring planting Europeans found these traditions a conflict of interests between the Puritan need for Religious freedom. In this chapter it is clear the use of racial and religious discrimination played a critical role in the aielation and removal of the Natives from their traditional lands and customs. While some may consider the Native American to have not contributed to urban development in the European sense, this is not the case. The life style and respect for resources and balance was the core of Native traditions. Contemplation of their behavior and use of the land is a testament to their survival prior to the Europeans sailing to the new

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