Cultural Assessment

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The cultural/spiritual assessment posed some rather tough questions. Many of the questions I had never thought about before. For me, it was rather difficult to answer some of the questions as I did not have an answer for them. Although, I felt as if some of the questions would be easier to answer if I had been immersed in another culture for an extended period. I personally did not find any of the questions too personal to answer, but I am an open book and do not mind sharing about myself. I asked my parents for help on some of the questions as well and they were unsure of how to answer them too.
When I went to talk to someone else I thought it would be rather awkward. I got my brother to find a friend for me to talk to, therefore, I did not know the person I questioned. In some ways, I find it easier to ask someone you do not know at all the questions rather than …show more content…

I talked to someone from Serbia, and being that it is on the other side of the world, I thought it would be quite different. However, I found that a lot of her answers were very similar to mine. I have never been one to judge people of other races, and talking with people from other cultures opens my eyes to see just how much we all have in common. God created all of us in His image and I find that to be very true when talking to others. Talking with her also made me want to continue to travel different places and meet different people. I have been out of the country once and it was a great experience. I will be going out of the country again this summer and after this I believe it will open my eyes to pay even closer attention to how similar we are even though we have different cultures. I realized being in Mexico last summer that even though we tend to have the stereotype of them being totally different and all these views, they are not that different from us at

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