Cultural Artifact Essay On Rumspringa

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Writing does not have to be difficult. The difficulty of writing does not have to do with the blank piece of paper and the pen in one hand, or a keyboard and a computer screen. It has to do with the writer's heart, soul, mind, and knowledge of the piece he/she is addressing. (Question 4.) A piece of writing that I seem to make the best as a writer, and made the most effective revision was my cultural artifact assignment. In this piece of writing, I addressed the tradition of Rumspringa and why it is so significant in the Amish community. “Why is the tradition of Rumspringa so significant to the Amish community, but if an adolescent leaves the community, the Amish will segregate and shun an adolescent for being an outcast?” Shortly after I started my theory, I revised my theory later in my conclusion after I had interviewed Doris Peruski, a woman who was banished from the Amish community after Rumspringa, “In conclusion, the tradition of Rumspringa is significant to the Amish community. Rumspringa is the

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