Cross Contamination In Dental Office Essay

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1. Introduction – the rationale for maintaining infection control and prevention protocols in the dental office and goals of infection control. Maintaining infection control and prevention protocols in the dental office are of the utmost importance for both dental clients and dental professionals alike. The goals of infection control and prevention protocols in the dental office ensures that dental professionals are taking and routinely practicing initiative to prevent the spread of infection and development of diseases to clients as well as dental professionals themselves.

2. Pathways of cross-contamination in the dental office – brief description. There are several possible pathways that cross-contamination can occur in the dental office. …show more content…

blood or saliva). Direct contact may serve as an entrance for microorganisms into skin that is not intact such as abrasions, cuts, dermatitis or skin breaks that are unseen to our eyes which are generally found around the fingernails. An example of direct contact would be touching.

Indirect contact is another form of cross-contamination that can take place from patients to dental teams. It occurs through microorganisms being transferred from the source to a surface or an item which then becomes contaminated and comes in succeeding contact with the dental team. An example of Indirect contact would be

Droplet infection occurs when aerosols exit from the patient’s mouth and enter the dental team through non intact skin such as mucosal surfaces or inhalation.

Dental team to patient:
Cross-contamination from a dental team to a patient (although it is a rare occurrence) can take place through:
Dental teams hands have lesions/non intact skin
If injured in patients mouth – bloodborne pathogen/microorganisms transferred via direct contact
If dental team bleeds on instruments/anything used in patient mouth
Droplet infection if mask isn’t used by dental team

Patient to patient:
Indirect – not clean instruments/handpieces/attachments/op surfaces/hands (patient to hygienist to

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