Cronus And Greek Mythology

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It isn’t surprising that there aren’t many people who celebrates or associate themselves with Cronus. Knowing that he was overthrown by his own son, Zeus, for having a cruel and despicable nature. Even so, their are places in the west that still worship Cronus, and there are many individuals, who uses informations collected on Cronus to their express their creativity. Cronus was the youngest of titans. After he took the throne from his father, he became the king of titans. During his time of rule, was often referred to as the golden age (“greekmythology” Par. 2). In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Athenian month, a festival called Kronia was held in honor of Cronus (“New World Encyclopedia” Par. 10). On this day, the people of Athens throw …show more content…

In the movie, Hades released the titans that were imprisoned by Zeus, to aid in his attempt of overthrowing Zeus (“disney” Par 21). In Greek mythology, the titan race were the dominant species, till overthrown by Zeus and banished. So in the movie, it only make sense that the titans wouldn’t miss the chance to get their revenge on Zeus by helping Hades. Another great example is the video game series, God of War. The game features many of the Titans, and Cronus was one of them. The titans used Kratos - god of war - who invades their territory and killing them as a justification for their attempt of getting their revenge against the olympians(“godofwar” Par. 7). In the game series, there were cutscenes where we could see Cronus devouring his children, and him carrying out his punishment given by Zeus for his involvement of the great war. In the Greek mythology, Cronus was told by his father that one day he would be overthrown by his own children, so he ate his children to keep that from happening. Rhea, Cronus’ wife secretly gave birth and raised Zeus to later overthrow and banish Cronus to Tartarus. This gave Krato, the protagonist of the game, a reason to hunt Cronus down. Both of these events was mentioned in the Greek mythology, and the creators of the game series used those information to create an action packed, role playing

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