Critical Reading: Strategies For Critical Reading

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Strategies for Critical Reading

Preview the Essay: Think about the essay’s title, opening paragraph, and topic sentences. Previewing is used for college reading and helps the reader to focus on key issues.

Write in the Margin: Forecast issues, and pose questions. Be an active reader. Mark queries to energize a classroom discussion.

Analyze the Illustrations: Challenge the essay. Use the images to help clarify the writer 's points and to see what they might have missed.

Summarize the Essay: List key points, evidence, and support each. Used to condense the information you have.

Keep a Reading Journal: Write questions, write what you enjoy, and list questions to be answered along with the ones that were overlooked.

Use the Study Questions: Helps focus on key issues. Questions afk about structural features, and clarify meaning.
If there is more space for interpretation write what you know. To find out what you know raise questions about the point, omissions, and convincing evidence in the essay.

Determining Genre: This may also being given by the instructor. Examples of genres are narrative, descriptive, analytic, and argumentative. If you can choose the genre you will consider if which genre will fit the purpose, audience, and subject of your essay.

Using Rhetorical Strategies: Think about the strategies to president ideas, and evidence. This helps organize, connect, and provide clusters on information to convey a purpose or an argument. Multiple strategies can be used.

Analyzing Cause and Effect: Helps think what might or could happen. Cause is the future, while effect is the past. Analyzing cause is a crucial strategy. Comparing and Contrasting: Comparisons look for similarities, while contrasts look for differences. In most rhetorical situations it is best to address both. They are used in writing a report, marking an argument, or giving a

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