Critical Race Counter Stories

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America is a country that is builds on a foundation of equality and freedom for all. Yet this is the idea that everyone gets that all citizens obtain the same education and treatment. Yet the system is racist because it integrally ideas to the old ways in which racism were the way of life. Even though this country was construct by slave and that still has a shadow in this society. America is full of many mix ethic cultures and background. Citizens of the united states are one from all over the word, but the system that govern hasn’t kept up with the this changes, because the thought being American it has to deal with a Caucasian background. So that why there is Critical race theory is a framework that critical examination of society and culture, …show more content…

“Counter stories do not aim to resurrect one Person of Color experience as representative of all or to resurrect one Person of Color’s experience of all or to generalize about all Communities of Color” So what the author is trying to say is that the Counter stories are not directly true to the significant person that state in the book, but those experiences do happen in an every day to a different person. Yosso focuses text on counter stories to describe the battles of minorities through education system. Yosso uses the studies of Chicana/os to guide the audience through a way of understating what a person of color go through when they are experiencing racism in this society. A counter story is a fictional depiction of true events and experiences. Yosso present her evidence in three different ways, composite, autobiographical, Biographical. The composite system that Yosso wrote here text of counter story in the justification of racism and discrimination. Also Composite counter stories use a mixture of source to represent a story that intended message of the author is explained. Meanwhile one of this sources that is the most accepted and recognize in academic is empirical data. This data is come from researcher that is done a specific way that it is scenically capable to be produce because it tough to find studies, survey’s historical …show more content…

Wilson High School was always known for being an upper class white school but that soon changed. Students began to be bussed in which created a more diverse school. Ms. Gruwell was not given just any teaching job, she had been asked to work with the at-risk students the students that where not going to succeed in life. Every other teacher and the administrative board looked down on these students because they where stereotyping this students that the going to drop out and that MS G should not worried about this students. Gruwell refused to allow her students' lives to become self-fulfilling prophecies. Presenting them with countless opportunities, Gruwell gave these students a chance to overcome the limitations imposed on them by society. Gruwell encouraged her students to "do something different, something memorable, something powerful and humane." The film function of the freedom writers does not the majoritarian narrative as describe in Yosso text but it show the majorities’ problem through the movie. Yosso sated that “Academic institutions facilitate the flow of knowledge, skills, and students through the educational pipeline. Yet, no matter how one measures educational outcomes, Chicana/os suffer the lowest educational attainment of any major racial or ethnic group in the United States. For every 100 Chicana/o children who enter elementary school in the United

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