Critical Learning Experience

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At the age of 5, I got my first bike. The look on my face when my father brought home the shiny yellow Hummer was so surreal and exhilarating. A week later I would find myself going on a bike ride with my parents in my neighborhood trail, the Coyote Creek Trail. I could remember the scenery very vividly. The sun was blazing in the sky, the birds were chirping, the river flowing, and the squirrels foraging. The only thing going through my head was that our world was so big and that I wanted to explore it all. In those moments, I felt like I could do anything, go anywhere. There was nothing to bully me down and criticize me for the way I looked or the way I acted. Little did I know then that this experience would be the gateway to my fascination …show more content…

This take on the world has traversed through my academic pursuits in that I am constantly researching why I need to learn the things I learn. Biking was the revelation that led to my critical thinking and through that, I was able to become a more efficient learner. As one said, ”knowledge is not power, but rather potential power.” For what are we to do with all this power if we not know why we have it. The biking experience that led to these thoughts and realizations was the time I traveled up to the Googleplex with my …show more content…

I could remember the light rail transport that covered the areas we couldn’t bike through and me staring out the window at the society that was to be placed upon me as soon as I became an adult. Somewhere in that trip I stumbled upon one of Samsung’s buildings and observed a few of the employees. I could tell by the way they dressed and held their posture that they were well bred students. It made me wonder where I stood in the spectrum. And in that journey I also passed by Levi’s stadium. I remembered the massive structure and was curious as to who was the master architect behind such a notable monument in football. As I finally reached Google, I was finally observing a powerful empire built on an idea. I wanted to know what success looked like and through this trip, I developed the craving for success and what I needed in order to get there. My goal was to finally be of value in this

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