Critical Incidents As A Framework For Reflection On Professional Learning

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Critical incidents as a framework for reflection on professional learning Introduction A critical incident can be described as one that makes a contribution, either positively or negatively, to an activity or phenomenon. The process of generating a critical incident begins with a straight forward descriptive account of an event….. We create a critical incident through analysis. That is, an incident becomes a critical incident as a result of our critical thinking about it. This is the key: when you commit to the analysis of professional experience you must be prepared to question accepted systems and routines including your own ‘taken-for-granted’ understanding, your beliefs and feelings about what is right or wrong. The point is not simply …show more content…

When later consulted the teacher suggested that the girl was a waste of time since she could not read or write and any effort to help her was wasted. This reaction from the teacher invoked critical thinking in me as an aspiring primary teacher. The teacher’s belittlement of the student who clearly had a problem in understanding and writing was perceived negatively since the teacher did not offer a solution but rather only ignored the issue. The teacher did not implement critical reflection as suggested by Larrivee, “unless a teacher develops the practice of critical reflection, they stay trapped in unexamined judgments, interpretations, assumptions and expectations. Approaching teaching as a reflective practitioner involves fusing personal beliefs and values into a professional identity (Larrivee 2000, p.293). Had I been the teacher in this position I would have taken different actions to help the student. As an aspiring primary school teacher I realized that my reaction to the children’s abilities would impact their view of themselves and those of others on them. After this incident I know that supporting each child irrespective of ability would be paramount to me as a

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