Formalistic Theory in Literary Analysis

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THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Literary interpretation and theoretical perspectives are interdependent. Interpretation on any work of literature can be treated through theories and that theories cannot do anything without interpretation.
This present study is fundamentally grounded on the formalistic theory of literary analysis. Formalistic theory was developed at the beginning of the 20th century. It is also known Practical Criticism in England and New Criticism in America which focuses on the formal features found in literature (Burkett, nd).
Bertens (2001) affirms that formalists really were primarily oriented towards the form of literature. Klarer (2011) supports this by noting that form denotes the relationship between different …show more content…

It involves the recall of knowledge of literary concepts, elements or conventions in any genre. On the other hand, literary interpretation skills comprise the skill in recognizing setting and characterization, understanding the theme and the like. While, literary analysis skills focuses on how plot/structure, character, setting, and many other techniques are used by the author to create meaning.
On the other hand, this study adapts Smith-Johnson Model in the development of the literature-based reading program as an aid to help improve the students’ level of literary competence. This model views that when literature is used as a lens through which content is seen, young readers identify sense of relevance to their own experience. It notes that literature is treated as the principal source for instruction and that since thematic studies tend to be student-driven, the learning environment must reflect on this (Diaz de Rivera, …show more content…

The literary competence of the Grade 10 students of Simbalan National High School is determined using the analysis of the literary elements through formalistic theory of literary analysis. Texts from the literary genres such as essay, poetry, novels/short story and drama are considered as the subject for literary analysis. The skills are assessed through adapting the categories of skills adapted from Legaspi (1991) particularly literary information skill, literary interpretation skill and literary analysis

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