Critical Analysis of a Scene from Chicken Run

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Critical Analysis of a Scene from Chicken Run

We analyzed 3 minutes of Chicken Run from the middle of the animation.

Chicken Run is a model animation like Robby the Reindeer. The whole

animation is built up on a war story film it resembles the Great

Escape. The chicken hutches and fence are similar to the concentration

camps. And the discipline enforced by Mrs. Tweedy resembles the stern

soldiers in the war. The target audience would be for the younger

generation but I also think that it would appeal to some adults as the

humour in some parts is relevant to them.

Like Robby the Reindeer Chicken run was filmed by moving the

characters bit by bit to create movement. Although it was produced in

the same way as Robby the Reindeer it is much more advanced, the

attention to detail on Chicken Run is amazing. Compared to Robby the

Reindeer where the movement is much more simple along with the models

and set.

The first camera angle we see is an extreme long shot, it is of the

chicken’s enclosure this shot alone introduces the surroundings then

it pans across onto the chickens this is the most important shot as it

shows us what is happening in this case the chickens all in a line

standing still. When Mrs. Tweedy walks in you do not see her face

this creates a mysterious atmosphere as you don’t know what she is

going to do. You are seeing her from the chicken’s point of view, only

her boots it makes you feel intimidated by the size of her. When she

looks down at the chicken the camera is from where she is looking. So

the chicken looks small and scared. This angle changes as we see it

from the chickens view looking up Mrs. Tweedy looks evil and

intimidating. Another clever

Camera angle is when the chicken food is poured on to the camera this

is affective because it is different.

They use shadow a lot to create different moods again when Mrs.

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