Critical Analysis Of Nelly's Views Of Wuthering Heights

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• Nelly informs Lockwood of the entire story, he decides to tell the readers a summarized version in Nelly’s perspective. After four days, Nelly delivers Heathcliff’s letter to Catherine, Catherine is too ill to hold the letter. Heathcliff barges into the room saying “Oh, Cathy! Oh, my life! How can I bear it? Catherine tells him that he is killing her and that she wishes they were both dead. He assures her that he is tortured too. • Catherine states that life is a prison, wishes that they never be parted, and predicts that Heathcliff will soon forget her. Catherine and Heathcliff hug, kiss and cry. Heathcliff questions Catherine on why she betrayed him and her heart by marrying Edgar. • Edgar soon arrives back home, and Catherine refuses …show more content…

• Six months after Catherine’s death, Hindley at 27 years, dies due to overdose on alcohol. Heathcliff would not let Nelly take Hareton back to Thrushcross Granger and demands to keep him at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff plans to treat Hareton the same way that Hindley treated him. Heathcliff is no master of Wuthering Heights. • Twelve years have passed and Cathy does not know about Heathcliff or Wuthering Heights. Edgar forbids her to leave Thrushcross Grange. • Isabella is dying and persuades Edgar to come tell her goodbye and take her child, Linton. • Nelly is left to take care of Cathy w • hile Edgar goes on his visit. One day, Cathy escapes and goes straight into Wuthering Heights. Nelly finds her Cathy chatting with Hareton. Heathcliff was not home. When Cathy discovers that it is not Hareton’s house, she starts treating him like a servant. Nelly informs her that Hareton is her Cousin but Cathy refuses to believe it. • Edgar sends a letter from London announcing Isabella’s death and that he will soon be returning with Linton Heathcliff. When they finally arrive, Heathcliff sends Joseph to bring Linton to him. Edgar is forced to comply since Heathcliff is Linton’s

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