Criteria For A Good President

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B-Riggz for Prez 2020 When envisioning what a good president would possess people think of many different characteristics, attributions, and qualities. A good president should have perspective, integrity and have experience in politics as well as an education of government related aspects. A good president can mean many different things to many different people when it comes to their stance on controversial topics. This can also depend on their political party as well as their background and voting history. However, a good president should believe in the same basic values. These values include equality, tactful diplomacy, balancing budget, women’s rights, believe in separation of church and state, and be proactive in American issues. When looking at the big picture people view current, future and past presidents of their same party as ideal for the job. When distinguishing the criteria, citizens believe a president should have, he or she might realize their favored presidents do not possess the same criteria. Many democrats see past president, Barack Obama, as an impeccable president. Some students may view Roger Briggs as an ideal candidate for presidency. Comparing their qualities and values may show they are not as perfect for the job as they may seem. Having perspective is …show more content…

It can be difficult to establish criteria for a “good president” while still considering other opposing parties. However, there comes a time when facts and morals preside over opinions, in this case the rights of all American citizens are undoubtedly in favor. Some may believe that Roger Briggs would be a sub-standard president although there is doubt among his students considering his lack of sympathy when grading essays. However, he is the man or the zodiac killer so he could probably be the president I

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