Criminology Personal Statement

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As someone who grew up surrounded by parents who were interested in criminals and crime fiction, it was no surprise that the interest showed in me too. Both my parents read crime fiction and raised me on different psychological/criminal tv shows and films which is why I became so attentive to this course. I am applying for ??? for the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding into the world of crime and behaviour. Psychology is the study of behaviour and mind and when it’s combined with Criminology or Forensics, I’ll get the study of a criminal's mind and what pushes them into committing these unlawful acts. As I got older, I only got more interested into the world of crime and I even ended up producing a presentation on Jack the Ripper for my History class which I got an A on. I want to prove that I am driven to pursue a career in this path which is why I am …show more content…

I was definitely more interested in the lessons which contained more about our behaviour and what causes it. I was particularly interested in Freud because I think he has an interesting perception of the world and I was fascinated by his Tripartite Personality theory. Although his work is subjective and unprovable, I think it brings an original outlook on the source of behaviour. I think that by combining Psychology and Criminology, I can focus on the syllabus which interests me rather than having to endure parts of the course which are of no interest to me and wouldn’t support me in my career goal. I’m not just interested in the psychology side of this course as I’m also invested in the criminology aspect too. Last year I went and bought “The Gates of Janus” by Ian Brady and the book was incredibly thrilling and just being able to get a look inside a serial killer's head was strangely fascinating. I just find their perception of the world so different from my own that it’s enthralling and I want to understand

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