Criminology Personal Statement

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The ultimate question seems to be why we behave the way we do – a simple one yet a question that most fail to answer. My own thoughts brought me to this subject after a day of searching why certain questions circulate my thoughts, or why I deal and react to things the way I do. Don’t we wonder? Before taking an interest in Psychology, naivety led me to believe that the answer was seemingly transparent. Visiting places such as Auschwitz in Poland made me think about what leads people to take such drastic actions, can the feeling of hatred actually be that strong? Could it be that something was mentally wrong with them? Or was it for nothing?
Alongside Psychology, I would like to study Criminology at University as a joint honours degree. I believe that crime is a relevant subject in today’s modern society due to issues and events which are increasingly occurring. I am looking forward to learning more about criminal behaviour, how it relates to the human brain and specific topics such as; Victimology, forensics, the psychological side of mental health and the brain and behaviour.
I began …show more content…

However, I continued as it still gave me an opportunity to achieve the grades I needed to do what I really love, Psychology and Criminology. Although my college course is not relevant to the subject I’d like to do at University I have found links between the two. For example, when studying customer service I learnt that the staffs’ desires to do a good job are for different reasons; some may want a sense of accomplishment whereas some may selfishly just get on with it to get through the day. This links in with psychology and desires. It’s something conformity may link in with; if one member of staff sees another doing the job differently, they may conform and do the

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