Criminology Personal Statement

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The law is an enabler: vitally creating, maintaining and protecting structures. However due to society as an entity forever morphing, the law too is a forever changing concept; evolving and rejuvenating in an ever-changing world. The juxtaposition of certainty and uncertainty within the law intrigues me, causing me to want to delve deeper into the understanding of how crime is directly linked with the governing force within society: the criminal justice system. My potent curiosity with criminology has certainly been enhanced by taking subjects that intertwine with issues highlighted, such as class, gender and race inequality within society. Sociology enabled to me behold a deeper understanding about causes of criminality, presenting how often crime statistics for groupings, such as, ethnic minorities can massively be attributed to self-fulfilling prophecies created by society for instance, individuals rationalising crime as an escape from circumstances such as poverty they have been subjected too. Writings by Marxist Karl Marx such as, ‘The Communist manifesto' have greatly influenced my yearning to study why when the law encourages safety for citizens, for the beneficial functioning of society, many choose to deviate. Studying the sociology of crime also presented me …show more content…

Religious studies also fortified my love for reading around topics with great debate, this has helped prepare me for the work that a law degree would present. Conducting a short-term research study in Anthropology has equipped me with an advanced understanding of research methods, and having already having touched upon it previously could be exceedingly helpful when applied to topics within criminology such as qualitative and quantitative crime research within the

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