Criminology Personal Statement

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It has been a dream of mine for approximately a year now to go into criminology and forensics. I wish to get accepted into a school in or around Boston MA with the sole focus of working towards a criminology or criminal justice major. This is the area which I wish to work for it is in need of more law enforcers. Moreover, it is close enough to Manchester where if I need to depart for home it will not take an exceedingly long period of time. I will unquestionably make another appointment with my academic advisor for guidance seeing that she has been in the field that I hope to enter. I know that her experiences will assist me in making the best decisions for the future of my career and college path. Other than my academic advisor I will be in close consultation with my high school guidance counselor. She keeps me informed on any important school events happening as well as any potential scholarships or contests I could enter in to in my quest to accomplish my responsibilities and tasks. I have been in close contact with her for some time now. She has already let me know when I should be taking …show more content…

My short-term goal is to apply and get accepted into St. Paul’s “Advanced Studies Program” this summer. Both my father and brother have been a part of the program which has given them a great leg up in regards to their acceptance into various colleges and jobs. Not only was it a great academic experience but the 5 ½ week program taught them how to be on their own for a short while without parental guidance. The people they have interacted with have impacted and changed their lives. Even to this day, my father has friends he can rely upon which came from St. Paul’s. I know that if I get the honor of being welcomed into this program, I will be able to achieve my plans for the future. I just have to keep my head on my shoulders and keep the aspiration alive and

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