Criminalization Vs Incarceration Essay

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America’s criminal justice system is like both a large, complex, machine, and a revolving door; one cogwheel turning another, and a never ending cycle for many of its entrants. The effects of prisonization play a huge role in the final destination of this system – the penitentiary, by shaping inmates lives while inside, and changing them forever should they be fortunate enough to be released. In order to get a better understanding of prisonization, one must have a through description of what it is, how it can turn the rehabilitation efforts of incarceration upside down, and how it can contribute to further criminality amongst current and former convicts. Once a person has been convicted of a crime, especially in which a serious offense has occurred, chances are they will be sent to one of the countries many jails or prisons. From this moment forward, the effects of prisonization begins to take hold of their day to day lives, playing with their emotional and physical well-being. By definition, prisonization is …show more content…

Regardless of the offense, these inmates all go through some degree of prisonization, with more extreme cases being seen in medium, maximum, and supermax prison settings. Due to overcrowding issues, these inmates are often finding themselves mixed together regardless of offense, allowing the more violent offenders to assert their dominance over the general population. By allowing this to happen, inmates that would otherwise be considered less of a threat would be left fending for themselves, having to go above and beyond what they would like to do to defend themselves. The negative influence of the more hardened criminals negates the efforts by correctional staff to rehabilitate other minor

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