Criminal Justice System Essay

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What is the purpose of the criminal justice system? According to the official Ministry Of Justice website - [] there is a clear objective that the criminal justice system hopes to fulfil: “The purpose of the Criminal Justice System... is to deliver justice for all, by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop offending, while protecting the innocent.”, and this isn’t just applicable in the UK, many other countries and areas of the world operate to a similar objective. And at a glance, many would agree that justice systems across the world do fulfil this purpose, bringing peace to those who have been wronged, by punishing those who commit the offence. However, when it comes to sentencing, are there factors …show more content…

The Law states that when it is clear that discriminatory sentencing has occurred, an alteration of the sentence could be decided upon, but what about the millions of cases that go un-noticed each and every year, with many people not being treated according to the aims of the jurisdiction? My EPQ is going to focus on gender discrimination in criminal sentencing, and discuss whether the criminal justice system is actually fair for everyone. I’m going to do this by studying examples from countries all around the world and comparing cases where gender has affected a sentence given, in a situation where identical crimes have been committed by both a male and a female convict. I think that it is very important to investigate this matter because discrimination in any circumstance is wrong, but discrimination in a direct violation of ‘justice’ is even worse and I think that it’s right to unveil and highlight any instances where it is evident that gender has in fact affected a sentence. However investigations will have to be very deep and thorough as many barristers deny such discrimination takes place in the court

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