Crime And Victimization Essay

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Crime as we know it is sometimes glorified in movies. Although crime happens in many forms the effects and costs can be relatively the same. Research has shown that when a person is a victim of a crime they can suffer in various ways. Not only are they victimized at the time the crime occurs but for some it can be an ongoing process that effects them for longer periods of time. Research is conducted to better understand why individuals become victims and how they are targeted. Some criminologists research the trends and losses that occur as a result of a crime. These individuals known as victimologists examine cause and effect of why individuals are victimized and the results of that victimization.

The Effects and Cost of Crime on Victims and Victimization Theories
There are differing reasons why victims are targeted by criminals. Once an individual becomes the target of …show more content…

Criminologists began to look closer at the victim. Did there exist a relationship between victim and criminal? Criminologists began to develop theories of victimization. Theories such as Victim Precipitation could it be possible that the victim played an integral part in the crime occurring? There are two possibilities that support this theory. Passive or Active precipitation. Passive precipitation defines how the victim may have inadvertently initiated the crime against them. As cited in the text, the crime can occur because of personal conflict—for example, when two people compete over a job, promotion, love interest, or some other scarce and coveted commodity (Siegel. 80). Active precipitation is defined as the victim being the aggressor or initiating the criminal act against them. For example would be a female dressing provocatively be responsible for her own rape? In court this behavior has been used as a defense rendering not guilty verdicts (Siegel,

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