Crime Analysis Technology

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There are many different types of technologies that are used for everyday crime analysis. These technologies are developed to help with accurate analysis of the crime in each neighborhood. Some of the common technologies used in crime analysis would be computers, communication systems, and data storage and collection. Each of these technologies play an important role to when in crime analysis and are all very important when collecting the data. One of the most important form technology that is used for crime analysis is computers. Computers are used to store data and used to collect crime analysis.
The type of technology used to collect accurate crime analysis would be computers and other types of databases and programs. The reason that computers are so important is because computers are the only tool that can handle all of the information that has to be collected, processed, stored and made …show more content…

A relational database is a set of tables that will display the data fitted into different categories. Each table contains data categories in each column. Each row will contain a specific piece of data for the categories listed by the columns.

The first benefit of crime analysis is the ability to show relationships between crime and the factors that contribute to the crime. These relationship factors may be spatial in nature meaning that the crimes are being committed in certain areas or certain locations within a city (Foster,2013). Another benefit of crime analysis to the community would be that the police is able to keep up with the types of crimes that are being committed in the neighborhoods. With these analysis they are able to stop crimes from happening based on the types of crimes happening in certain

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