Cree Creation Story Summary

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It can therefore be concluded from the analysis above that though there are many similar aspects between the two plains Indian cultures, there are also just as many unique differences between them. The differences are often subtle and hidden deep in their worldview. On the whole, both cultures seem to have a similar perception of gender, but the narratives and traditions that led to the existent perception is different. For e.g. Lakota creation story, if taken individually, seems to ostracize women, whereas the Cree creation story doesn’t. Other stories in Cree culture seems to exclude women as protagonists, whereas one of the most important stories for Lakota has a woman as their protagonist. In terms of ceremonies, the Cree had a more even split as to which gender conducted the ceremonies by indicating certain elements for each gender. In the Lakota, as mentioned above, men were in charge of most ceremonies. When it comes to the differences in culture, there were sure differences in the types of ceremonies they do, but that was not focused upon as it was outside the scope was focused solely upon gender.
As mentioned in the introduction, the aim of this essay is not to create false differences but is a humble attempt to educate the wider world about the unique …show more content…

The Syzygy was useful as a parameter to judge how the genders were portrayed in the cultures, especially when it came to stories. It helped the author with better organization and visualization of the subject. Compared to other archetypes, its versatility let us apply it in three different levels of society; Stories, traditions and daily roles. A possible detriment for this archetype would include the fact that it added another level of complexity in the essay, often making quite abstract connections that might confuse some audiences, especially those not well versed in

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