Unraveling Meredith: A High School Senior's Struggle

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Her name is Meredith, she’s 18, a senior in high school, and has the life everyone wants. She has the cute boyfriend, Elliot, (who is the captain of the football team), and a best friend, who always has Meredith’s back. She also has parents who got her a sleek black Mustang Convertible. The first day of the rest of her life began on a Thursday. Meredith was walking down the concrete pathway to her car with Elliot and Tori. Abruptly, Meredith starts to act like she can’t breath and grabs her chest like she is about to take her heart right out. Tori helped Meredith to the ground. Elliot had already ran and got a teacher who was now calling an ambulance. Meredith woke up in an unfamiliar place. She was lying in a bed, and there was a tube …show more content…

The whole family cried for hours upon hours. Eventually they stopped because they didn’t have any tears left. To make Meredith try to forget what had happened, they took her out to her favorite restaurant, “ Wild West Steak House”. It didn't work, all they could talk about was Meredith’s cancer and how they were going to pay for it. When Meredith got home she took a long hot shower and then tried to go to sleep, but everything that was going on in her life was replaying in her mind and she couldn't get them to be quiet. Around 2:00 in the morning she fell asleep but only for moments. She had the worst nightmare, it was about how Tori left her for a different friend and that Elliot broke up with Meredith for another girl. Meredith woke up with a jolt and was wide awake. She went down stairs and got a glass of milk. Her hand tightened up and she could feel her heart slowing down. The glass cup she had the milk in slipped out of her hand and it woke her parents up. If she wouldn't have spilled the milk she may have slipped into a …show more content…

They didn't have anyone that could give her theirs. Until they got the call. It was a call about Elliot, he had wrecked his car into a tree. He left a note on his bad saying that when he was found dead they would give his heart to Meredith. When Meredith heard the news she was a mess. She started crying then she threw a lamp across her room. Meredith had to make a decision, would she take his heart or would she try chemotherapy and try to get rid of it. She chose to take Elliot’s heart. The operation lasted about 10 hours but it was a success. Meredith had gotten the heart with the tumor in and got a new heart. Meredith had to go on knowing that she was part of the reason that Elliot died but it was his decision to crash and die. A week after the surgery Elliot’s mom gave Meredith an envelope. It was assigned to Meredith. It said that Elliot had always loved her. It also said that every time Meredith’s heart beat she would think of him. Meredith is now 28 and is married to a man named, Jayson and they now have 3 kids, Kendra, Monica, and the most important one, Elliott. Meredith thinks about him every time her heart beats and she says something to herself every

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