Creative Writing: Tim Hortons

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The smell at Tim Horton’s has always set me off. There is something about that blend of coffee and chemicals from the cleaning products that makes me want to leave the place as soon as I get there. Tim Horton’s is unfortunately Nicolas’ favorite place in Saint-Bruno. It’s also the only place opened after 10 pm, so I can’t suggest hanging out somewhere else. I could suggest not to hang out with him anymore. That would be great. So great. But he would kill himself. So here I am, at Tim Horton’s. Great. I could be doing homework right now, I haven’t finished the English assignment due tomorrow… Fuck, I’m going to have to pull another all-nighter. As if my dark circles weren’t dark enough… “-Are you listening to me right now?” I’m not. “Sorry, …show more content…

What I want to say is crystal clear in my head, I just can’t seem to articulate it. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. “I hate him”, I blurt, immediately terrified by my own words. As much as I disgust myself saying it out loud, as much as it makes me feel a thousand pounds lighter. “I can’t do it anymore. I hate him. I hate his pitiful face I hate his constant mourning I hate how he treats me I hate that he loves me I hate that he needs me I hate how he insults me I hate how he discredits my feelings I hate how selfish he is I hate myself for saying all of this, but I hate him.” If Nicolas was a music band, he would be Fugees, because he is killing me softly. I think the song’s over …show more content…

Pity, sadness, anger, mourning, misery, I thought I’d seen every bad feeling on Nicolas’ traits. But this is new. His mouth is distorted, his eyebrows are so low they’re practically tickling his chin, his eyes are screeching, his eyelids are as open as my legs after one too many drinks. I would call this face suffering of distress. He has been crying and yelling at me for a good ten minutes. I have been staring blankly at his breakdown for a good ten minutes. Great, now he’s rolling on the ground. That’s not overly dramatic. “Give me one last chance. Please, you’ve got to give me one last chance. I love you. You can’t let me down like this. I’m gonna kill myself.’’ ‘‘I’ve already told you everything I needed to tell you. Now, please leave my house and get help.’’ ‘‘How can you stay so stoic? How can you care this little about me? Don’t you have a heart? You want me to kill myself, do you? You’re a monster.” You know what, maybe I am. Maybe I’m a heartless monster who wants his friend to kill himself. If choosing to save myself over another makes me a heartless monster, be it. I’d rather be a living monster than a dead

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