Creative Writing: Things Fall Apart

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"That is never going to work." The light, vaguely amused voice came from the treetops, immediately above where Aragorn, son of Arathorn, was kneeling over a small patch of forest floor that had been cleared of fallen leaves and other debris. Ignoring the comment, the ranger continued in his work, pausing only to wipe a tired arm across his sweat-dampened forehead. Within seconds, a pair of booted feet had thumped softly to the ground as their owner dropped from the lofty heights of the thick forest canopy to land not six feet from where the ranger was crouched. The owner of the said booted feet waited until three hobbits, an Istar and a dwarf had passed by on their way to the nearby stream, before speaking once more. "Did you hear me?" There was another pause as the ranger adjusted his position, stretching his cramping …show more content…

From the other side of camp, Frodo, Merry and Pippin watched as Gimli muscled Aragorn aside, declaring that it was time the elves were forced to recognise the dwarves as the most skilled fire-makers in all of Middle Earth. "Who do you think will win?" Merry asked curiously, his dark brows furrowed. "I am not certain that it really matters," Frodo replied, a smile lighting his face as he watched the four warriors argue between themselves. Any response Merry might have made, however, was cut off by an exclamation from Sam. "Ah! Got it," the blonde-haired gardener announced cheerfully, sitting back in satisfaction as a trickle of fire crept upwards, consuming the small twigs before it started to chew at the larger logs. Soon, a sizable campfire was crackling merrily, sending sparks dancing into the morning air. "How long did it take old Sam to start a fire?" asked Pippin inquisitively, taking a big sniff as the scent of sausages began to waft through the air as Sam laid them over the bustling flames. "Barely any time at all," Frodo replied. He dropped his voice conspiratorially. "But then again, he did use Aragorn's

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