Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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A stalker, a creeper, a shadow in the night.

These are the words that people would whisper when they heard my footsteps in the woods.

The forest was my home and I was its caretaker.

On this particular day, I walked on the leafs of paradise, I gazed upward, noticing the sun trying to break through the cloud of branches.

Being half as tall as an elephant, having the hair of a Afghan hound, and a decent amount of Melanin;My body characteristics helped me survive in this environment.

I had no ambitions, no motivations to do anything with my life.

I preferred the woods because I couldn’t bare to live in the Kingdom with Queen Grimhilde, as she was quite possible the darkest soul I knew.

Rumor was she tried to have the princess …show more content…

I thought to myself, this could my chance at redemption.

With every step I began to hear the noise of several people talking, so I followed the sound.

When I discovered the footsteps of a child, I wondered if they were the footsteps of the princess.

I came across a cottage that seemed to be very vibrant in color.

I decided to investigate.

Getting closer, I noticed a sign with the words “One girl, One night, One price”

This must’ve have been the brothel everyone was talking about.

There was a tale about a famous harlot by name of “Snow White”.

It is said her name came from her having hair as black as ebony, lips as red as the rose, skin as white as snow.

As the darkness came to be, I found myself creeping into the cottage.

When I found my way in, I recognized the face of the girl who was supposedly known as “Snow White”.

She matched the description of the princess who was the fairest of them all.

I now understood why she managed to attract so many men as she walked outside and sang harmonic sounds of joy.

I decided I would pretend to be drunk and spend a little money to find out her reasons for being …show more content…

The answer I got from her was preposterous and humanly disgusting.

She was being held captive by the dwarves, and in exchange for shelter and protection from Queen Grimhilde, she had to self her body to make profit for the dwarves.

To this day, I never learned the names of the dwarves.

My first priority was saving Snow White and taking her away from the cottage and out of site of the queen.

I knew a figure in the north with magnificent powers, that could create a magic shield and protect Snow White.

At the time I knew I had to break in at night when it was quiet and have some sort of transportation.

One of the other living souls happened to have a horse and some food ready.

As the man visited Snow White, I stole his horse and hide it a few miles out, keeping my distance until it was time.

When darkness came and I was blind, I approached the cottage once more.

I broke into the living area through a unsafely locked window.

I woke up Snow White and informed her it was time to go.

Persuading her was not an easy task, as she was in fear of the dwarves and what her chances were in the woods without their

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