Creative Writing: The Cold War

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Men and women stood a little taller in their homes today. Ears straining to hear the sound of imagined trucks. Hearts racing as the smell of fear and sorrow wafted through the air. I felt fear more than anything, and sweat was pouring down my back in rivers; soaking the back of my shirt. I could see the wall in the distance from my place in front of the door. The wall kept us all safe from the outside world beyond the border of the United Sates, but how much longer would that last? The war had taken so much from us, leaving us to a dictatorship that had changed drastically from person to person. I turned to face the door, pressing my hands against the grainy and unpolished wood. As I tried to see out of the peep hole my ears strained to hear …show more content…

I was the exact opposite of my mother. She wanted me to be a scientist like she was, but I didn’t have that in mind. She was a geneticist working with government officials and was extremely intelligent, being called an absolute genius on multiple occasions. I had been compared to her intellect just as many times. She was blond, pale, and slender, with pale blue eyes like the ocean. I had brown mousy hair, but was still as pale as the winter snow, and my eyes were as green as the grass growing outside. Gaia shared a lot of the same features, but her eyes were the same cold steel blue. She was reserved and delicate just like our mother, which I highly respected her for. Gaia was pacing back and forth on willowy legs, the snapping sound of her biting her fingernails sounded through the room. I had to keep myself from turning around and shooting her a hard look. Because of the adrenaline running through my veins I found myself rather irritated by the sound. This was par for the course with us. There were only three years between us, but it felt like much less when I thought about how much she we fought with either based solely on …show more content…

It’s as simple as that and because we needed a leader we followed willingly. With this leader the wall came up and we were without war for those hundred years and we had nothing to fear anymore. That was until five years ago with another assassination. Now Dictator King was our forerunner, and we did nothing but bow to him with due diligence. Every law change, every arrest, every execution was for the greater good and we did nothing but believe it. As far as I was concerned there wasn’t a single citizen that had any choice in the

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