Creative Writing: Sticky

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Humid. Sticky. Hot. It felt as if there was a heater following me around just to make sure that my skin was moist and damp. The air was thick, it was almost as if I was swimming. My skin was constantly producing balls of sweat, dripping down my forehead; arms, legs and, occasionally into my eyes - blinding me. Stalls were squeezed into a giant lot, kiosk after kiosk, where individuals sat waiting to make a living to feed their families. Bright orbs of fire, flickering in multiple colours. Slowly invading my nose are the pungent scents of seafood and dried squid, lingering around me. As I continue to step down the street, I notice an old lady, a beggar. She lays there on the dirty concrete, pleading for something as small as a coin. She wishes for her shell of a body to be filled with an ounce of food. The feeling of guilt rushes through my body and forces down my hand to rifle through my pocket, seek for some coins to place in the bowl next to her. A smile lights up her face, as she hears the sound of the coins hitting the bowl. …show more content…

This makes me feel as if it was day and I was on the beach staring at the waves chasing the little children then disappearing back into the ocean. I snap out of it, realising that I was watching a CD demo of a beach scene selling at 20 baht per disc. Distractions wall to wall, kiosk to kiosk, filled the entire area, waiting for tourists to flood the zone and buy 2 of everything they

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