Creative Writing: Hayley's Waiting Room

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Hayley sighed and leaned back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair. She had been at the hospital since three in the morning, and needless to say, it was beginning to take it's toll on her. She hated the hospital with a passion, mostly because everything seemed so dreary, so sad. She might have went home hours ago, but she didn't want to leave her poor friend all alone. Of course others had come, however, they were more there for a story. They didn't truly care about the poor model who landed herself in the ER soon after shooting up a bad batch of drugs. The media had also began to show up once the news broke, but fortunately the staff was doing a good job at keeping them out of the hospital. Hayley yawned and rubbed her tired eyes. The sun was beginning to rise, it's orange hues lighting the Los Angeles skys. Two chairs away, a mother sat with her sick child. The small boy laying in her arms while she sang a french lullaby. Hayley didn't know what she was saying, but she liked the song anyways. "Miss Locklove?" A nurse approached Hayley with a clipboard in hand. "You may go in and see …show more content…

"You shouldn't be doing drugs in the first place and you know that." She didn't care how impolite she sounded. After all, she had a right to be angry. It was Hayley who walked into that hotel room and found her passed out on the floor, all the color drained from her face. In that moment, Hayley had actually thought her friend was dead. Alice had been damn lucky Hayley went back to the room, or she might have died. "What guy? Who gave you those drugs, Allie?" She demanded to know. "He works at that motorcycle shop... Outlawed Repairs, I think." Alice must have seen something in Hayley's expression because her eyes widened and she tried to sit up. "Hayley. Don't be getting yourself into trouble for me. It was my own fault." Hayley looked into her friends eyes and nodded. "I'm not going to do anything. I

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