Creative Writing: Empire Island

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Out of all the places to be born, why did it have to be this horrible place? It's so boring here! All I ever do is royal lessons on how to drink tea properly or how to walk like the "soon to be King" I am. Tch, who ever said I wanted to be King of this wreched kingdom? I, as the Westington people, know completely what I am capable of and but of course, what is a King who's subjects aren't loyal or supportive in any manor? Oh, you don't know? He is a pitful man to a Kingdom that doesn't care for him one bit. I never understood why the Queen or King must treat me like some three year old child. The Queen never wants me out of her sight and the King always wants me to practice my hand at the sword. He says he wants to go …show more content…

Slipping off my gloves, I gently flick my hand up and the water shooted up like a small splash. I raised it higher just to test the strength of it. Squeezing my right hand in to a fist turned it into soild ice while I used my left to spead the water around her. I clenched my fist tighter and sighed softly when she laid on the new ice. Releasing my fist I was able to simply bring my open palms up and pulled the ice closer to me. "Miss?" I said once more, putting my gloves back on before moving to examine her "Hmm, no wounds or signs of injury..." I was puzzled as to how this girl ened up on that pond. As from what I can see there are no footprint in the snow on either side of the pond "Your freez-" I paused as snow started to fall. Strange... It never snows two times in a row here... Looks like I'll have to carry her to the castle. Her small frame grew colder and colder as I hussled to put her on my back. I hoping she doesn't wake up just yet or else I'll have to play the "Prince" card. I took off the scarf I wore around my neck and tossed it over her head. I glanced up at her and shuddered at the thought me trying to save her sent her body into hypothermia. I would kill myself if that

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