Creative Writing: Consciousness

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Instinct took control of my muscles and began to push my limbs downward. Something hard, holding a long and firm edge jabbed my right eye, but the need for out was stronger than the pain it caused. I forced my way through the clumps and stabs of rigid objects, desperate to get free. With each second that went by the instinctive fight dwindled. Consciousness turned to unconsciousness. A slim moment before I slipped into the darkness, breathable air touched my lips. My lungs sucked in hard, filling to the brim and I lay gasping and gaping. My eyes stayed tightly shut. The cold mounds pressed painfully on my cheeks but.. I could finally breathe. What the fuck is that stench? The darkness in my eyes began to spin and twirl. The panic started again. My eyes felt a graze as I was freed from the twisting darkness--I froze. A thick, blanketing dread covered me. The smell was accompanied by the sight of rot for a hundred paces each way. The lumps of dead shook as my limbs thrashed. I grasped desperately, crying between breaths. I searched for an object with a strong footing. My fingers …show more content…

What am I doing here? The thought rattled in my head, while my hand moved to the bridge of my nose. My eyelids grazed my eyes again. I quickly lurched backwards and let out a short inhale through my teeth as pain jutted up my tail bone. My rump had landed awkwardly, on a broken skull. The hand attached to my arm was a mirror of my surroundings. The flesh had decayed and was missing at parts. Bone was visible, small bits were tainted with rot. I held the decayed wrist, and slid my thumb along its rotted palm. I curled its fingers and nothing felt out of the ordinary. The sight however, pushed a deep and unsettling feeling into my abdomen. I took a deep and shaky breath, stood tall, then looked around with cautious eyes. The bones crunched under my feet when I stepped. On all sides were tall walls, encasing the armed corpses.. Encasing me. I am trapped in a pit with the

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