Creative Writing: A Medieval Castle Dining House

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The castle dining hall is as large and open as it is elegant, fitted with bright gold candle lit chandeliers that hang above the turquoise trimmed, polished white stone table. The walls around the room are covered in banners, some representing unicorns, much like the ones that were on the carriage. The wooden chairs of castle’s dining room are not necessarily the most comfortable thing but the luxury for this Medieval world is still very appealing. Though, despite all the show and wealth on display, the various pastries, fruits, and, vegetables that the chef dressed satyr brought out are not really what Matt wanted. Even still, Matt has chosen to bite his tongue at the food he was offered. Both out of respect for Wúna’s kindness and to not …show more content…

This largely in part to the lengthy dining table and where Wúna choose to sit.

Of course, as the silence drags Matt finally brings his voice up. “So.” His voice raises a little as he attempts to call to the women still down the length of the table. “So, do you want to talk about anything?”

Wúna may sit fully across the large table, but her louder toned does not have any problem as it carries her question across the room. "If we may ask, how did you come to be in Artésque?"

The dark-haired teen twiddles at one of the grapes within his bowl as he starts to assemble his voice. While a conversation would be better than silence, the question is not something he can answer. At least not if he wants the lie to hold up.

Even still, Matt’s voice starts up as he opts to drop the lie. "We got here through a weird light ball... thing." He gives a slight laugh. "...I-I can't really explain it."

Wúna nods her head as she tries to study the boy’s words. "I understand there must be some confusion, given your current situation." She lowers her voice a little as she continues. "Please forgive us, as we have not properly introduced ourselves. I am Wúna, the keeper of the night for over …show more content…

"Dreadful? Night are free, they always have been-... besides, did-did you say you bring it? That’s crazy cool, how-how can you even do that? Some kinda tractor beam around the sun and moon?"

Wúna squints her eyes to the kid as she shakes her head. "Free?"

While a question is not really what Matt wanted to hear as Wúna’s next response, he still holds the same enthusiasm he had only a moment ago as he speaks up. “Yea! The night is great, cold air, star lit sky, it’s just peaceful..." He pauses in a another laugh as he looks to the person across from him. "I mean it's kinda hard to see the stars in the city, but they're there...those strange little orbs that make us feel so small you know?"

Matt's voice bounces off the empty room’s walls as his excitement trails on. "It’s freedom. You know, you work all day or get yelled at by someone, but at night, you can do anything you want. It’s your

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