Creation Myth In 'Tortoise And The Hare'

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Legend: A legend is a folk tale created with elements of fiction. Legends are often about places, events from history, people, and their actions. One example of a legend is Helen of Troy. Fable: A fable is most often a tale in which animals are given human qualities (personification), and one in which a moral lesson is shared. One fable that is quiet popular is “Tortoise and the Hare.” Fairy tale: A fairy tale is a make-believe story written especially for children, and might feature magic, imaginary creatures, and often includes a conflict between good and evil. An example of a famous fairy tale is “Cinderella.” Mythology: Mythology is the study of myths as well as a collection of myths. Myth: The word myth comes from the Greek word 'mythos' which means 'to tell a story.' Myths can help to explain nature, history, cultural customs, and provide a form of entertainment. Myths often carry an important message for a culture, and help to convey belonging, shared religious experience, and teach moral lessons. The main characters in myths are usually Gods, Goddesses, or supernatural humans often portrayed as heroes. Myths were traditionally passed through the oral tradition (spoken word). …show more content…

This type of myth tries to answer important questions about life and the universe. Creation myths are often considered sacred accounts, and can be found in nearly all known religious traditions. Creation myths address questions deeply meaningful to the society that shares them, revealing their central worldview and the framework for the self-identity of the culture and individual in a universal

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