Creating My Character

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Me in My Moo

In real life it is hard answer who are you, because our identities are too complex. There are many factors to consider when we talk about who we are. When you put in a variable like a virtual medium the answers to these questions are blurred. There are almost no limits to who or what you can be. Words and pictures are all that are available to describe the created identity. There are many decisions that are made when creating an identity in a virtual reality. Creating my character, Lynn, was no exception. I chose to portray my character as close as possible to who I am in real life. This task is harder than it sounds.

The first task was to create my person. The name I chose was Lynn. That is my middle name. My very common first name was already being used. I chose the teddy bear icon for a couple of reasons. The first is that I like teddy bears. It also didnt give any indication of my physical appearance. Teddy bears often are perceived as cuddly and cute. That is the impression that I wanted people to have of me. The lack of a physical picture leaves the reader to rely on the description that I reveal to them. The reader can only make assumptions about me, based on what I allowed them to see of me. I left the description brief and vague.

The more personal and deeper explanation, of who I was, I put in my room as objects. There are three objects: Talent, Passion, and Love. Each one gives the reader a little more insight to who I am. They reveal my likes, goals, and purpose in life. The first object, Talent, tells the reader what my likes are and what I do for entertainment. The next object I included was Passion. This is where the reader finds out the most about me. The name Passion stresses the importance of what is contained in the object. These things are at the heart of what drives me and makes me who I am.

In Passion, I used the idea of being created as a way of showing my belief in God. It was an indirect way of showing it. I do not feel that I spoke directly to anyones specific beliefs, but I dont think I offended anyone in the way that I presented mine.

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