Crash Stereotypes

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Judgement with stereotypes are often used to make our first impressions of a person, this is what we, the people, initially do. This person dresses well, he must fit into society nicely, middle-class, perhaps he’s rich and has his life put together. We first view the characters - from the 2004 film ‘Crash’ directed by Paul Haggis - as people that we would categorise and label into their given races and genders. Often our first thoughts is that this Hispanic that we, the audience, are introduced is definitely illustrated as a criminal gang member so he must be bad, these two young black men depict the stereotypical black man leading on to nothing but crime in their lives, and this white couple in the film is of course extremely wealthy, and …show more content…

Jean Cabot, a privileged rich white woman sees the two black men and immediately shutters because she is taken back and scared by their appearance and the way they dress. Body language is used to convey Cabot’s fear of the two, when she indistinctly clutches onto her partner tighter, this sets off a fuel of anger for Anthony where he feels justice is needed for the black community. “Look around! You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better lit part of this city. But this white woman sees two black guys, who look like UCLA students, strolling down the sidewalk and her reaction is blind fear. I mean, look at us! Are we dressed like gang-bangers? Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No. Fact, if anybody should be scared around here, it's us: We're the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people, patrolled by the trigger-happy LAPD. So you tell me, why aren't we scared?” The irony of Anthony’s words is shown when Peter answers Anthony’s question, “because we have guns? The scene then pans over to Anthony and Peter confronting the Cabots’ and further robbing them at gunpoint. Anthony’s character is shown to be a complex one as he wants to be seen as a normal law-abiding citizen but surrenders to the stereotypes as he is scared to change his behaviour, because he feels that no matter what he does, he would be seen as a gang member or

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