Courtesy Key To A Happier World Summary

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In “Courtesy: Key to a Happier World” argues that troubles could have been overcome if the people had just treated one another with courtesy. Basic elements of good manners; Ways of improving good manners; Importance of courtesy in marriage.

Courtesy, or a lot of us sometimes call it politeness or good manners, it is showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others, the gift of treating others with warmth and respect. It means according dignity to people by being considerate, responsive, and kind in our dealings with them. For me, I consider courtesy or good manner as when someone behaves right in place and in time. But acting right is not always represented by acting nicely to other people, because sometimes, one needs to be firm and assertive. For instance, a business owner should or even has to be firm and assertive toward his or her employees, because if he or she is not, it is hard for him or her to be respected by the employees. Also, a leader cannot always stand for his or her subordinates. He or she has to scold them when they do things that can hurt his or her self and things that tarnish their community's good name. I also add ‘in place' and ‘in time' because there are things that one can do at one time but should not …show more content…

They are sense of justice, understanding, and capacity to treat all people alike. A person who has good sense of justice always put things where they belong, think objectively, and never put a thing on top of another. Understanding here is similar to empathy. An understanding person can know how somebody feels, and always put his or herself to the other person’s state, so that he or she feels better. And the last one is the capacity to treat all people alike. A person can be considered having good manners if he or she treats people around him equally. He or she never think highly of a person and consider other person

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