Countertransferential Reflection: Working With The Elderly

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From my research about countertransferential (CT) reaction, I learned that working with the elderly can be anxiety provoking due to the physical limitation they may have. Therefore, social workers may pity and isolate the patient, which can affect the patient’s wellbeing (Atiq, 2006). By knowing this, I told myself that I will not pity and isolate the patient. Instead, I will show empathy and explore possibilities of change to help the patient with whatever physical limitation he may have. When I first met the patient to complete the psychosocial, he appeared to be sad and he was unwilling to answer any questions. I was empathic with the patient and I explained to him the importance of answering the questions by saying that the staff at the nursing home needs the information in order to meet his needs. After I explained this to him, he started to answer the questions on the psychosocial. While completing the psychosocial, the patient stated that he has not been doing well mentally and physically …show more content…

However, after the patient told to me that I could not possibly understand how he is feeling about the death of his mother and that I should leave now. At that moment, I decided to share my story about losing my grandmother with the patient. I used self-awareness while sharing my story with the patient because I did not want the patient to feel sorry for me. Instead, I wanted him to to see that I do understand what it is like to lose someone. According to James, “Keen self-awareness of feelings and life experiences can help professional caregivers who work with older adults -- they can use their own internal responses to their clients as a tool for achieving a deeper level of empathy and for responding in helpful ways” (Morgan, 1994). Therefore, by using self awareness to share my story, I was able to get the patient to see that I understand him and that I empathize with

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