Counterculture During the Vietnam Era

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Counterculture During the Vietnam Era With a country in shambles as a result of the Vietnam War, thousands of young men and women took their stand through rallies, protests, and concerts. A large number of young Americans opposed the war; with a common feeling of anti-war, thousands of youths united as one. This new culture of opposition spread like wild fire with alternative lifestyles blossoming, people coming together and reviving their communal efforts, demonstrated in the Woodstock Art and Music festival. The use of drugs, mainly marijuana, became a staple in the community of anti-war youths. The countercultures’ radical views and actions caused American society to turn its head and look to the young. They set themselves out as a group and were going to stand up for their rights as well as the rights of mankind. Songs of peace and harmony were chanted throughout protests and anti-war demonstrations, America’s youth was changing rapidly. Never before had the younger generation been so outspoken. Fifty thousand flower children and hippies traveled to San Francisco for the "Summer of Love," with the Beatles’ hits song, "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" (listen) as their light in the dark. The largest anti-war demonstration in history was held when 25,000 people marched from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, once again, showing the unity of youth.1 More than any other countercultural group, hippies reflected a deep discontent with technocracy- society’s reliance on scientific experts who ruled coldly and dispassionately and who wielded enormous power. Hippies said good-bye to that and hello to the mystical spirit, oneness with the universe- life as passion, passion as life, harmony, and understanding. The... ... middle of paper ... industry as a gold mine for money. Advertising catered directly towards the hostile youths and hippies in order to appeal to the people. The counterculture deeply influenced society today by erasing the blatant disregard of the views of youth in earlier times. The counterculture became a presence in society that could not be ignored. 1. National Museum of American History: Smithsonian Institution. Lisa Law: A Visual Journey 1998,> 2. Neil A. Hamilton, The 1960's Counterculture in America (California: ABC-CLIO Inc, 1997), xi. 3. Hamilton, 210. 4. Kenneth J. Bindas and Kenneth J. Heineman, "Image is Everything? Television and Counterculture Message in the 1960s," Journal of Popular Film and Television 22 (1994): 33.

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