Counter Argumentative Essay

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I. Position Statement We should get rid of DACA due to the negative effects coming from it, such as the results towards immigrants themselves and their families. II. Counter Argument ___A. Summarize the counterclaims DACA benefits students and applicants on their mental health, due to the security given. ___B. Provide supporting information for counterclaims While DACA doesn’t give a full security for long term, it does give the applicants a secureness while time being. ___C. Refute the counterclaims Yet on the contrary, DACA gives stress and anxiety on a different level by this I mean since the whole process is short term it brings up the worry of being deported. ___D. Give evidence for argument A study was held where many participants …show more content…

DACA its self is not a secure action of being safe. By this I mean the act is temporary, the fact that after it will be repealed many are now in worry to get deported. Assert point #1 of your claims _____1. Provide research and evidence to support your claim The official policy itself of USCIS is not allowed to give any personal documentation or information to anyone. But behind that the entire program could be changed _____2. Explain how the research and evidence supports your claim. By this it’s easy to give into something that seems to be easy, but in fact has many downsides. ___B. Assert point #2 of your claims The whole situation itself is an encouraging act of continuing with illegal immigration to the U.S. _____1. Provide research and evidence to support your claim Andrew S Hannen a judge rejected the argument, raising the viewpoint on how it is in increase of illegal residents in the wrong way. _____2. Explain how the research and evidence supports your claim. While it is a great opportunity for many people coming into the United States. Those who choose to do it the wrong way give an effect to others. In a way that it says it’s okay to do it even though your not allowed too ___C. Assert point #3 of your

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