Cotton Gin Positive Effects

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In the early 19th century, a substantial amount of inventions in the United States sparked a revolution in American society on a political, social, and economic level. For instance, during the late 18th century, the southeastern region of the United States was dominated by cotton, which was being mass produced and sold as a cash crop. In order to efficiently harvest said cotton, numerous Africans were imported to the United States for the practice of slavery. With the creation of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in the year 1793, many thought that it would diminish slavery from the United States for it allowed cotton to be harvested more quickly and efficiently than ever before, meaning that it called for less manpower. Though in reality, the effects of the cotton gin were quite the opposite …show more content…

The Industrial Revolution raised the standard of living among many people, most being a part of the middle to upper class. Those in the lower working class experienced little improvement for their situations as factory workers continued to receive low wages as well as having work taken away from them by machines. Due to the need to mass produce goods, production shifted from the traditional settings of homes to factories. This eventually led to a large scale construction of factories in large cities. With the creation of cities, also came the flow of population. In the mid-18th century there was a large population shift from the countryside to the cities as to find jobs. In the work place children labor became quite common, used to do highly dangerous tasks due to their small size such as fixing machines. The growth of child labor was also paralleled by the worsening of working conditions in factories around the country. Work environments were overcrowded and all around

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