Cotc Should Be Free For Everyone Analysis

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Ashmita Biswa Central Ohio Technical College ENGL-113-NA Erin McGuire March 24, 2024. Abstract: Everyone should be able to go to college without having to worry about financial barriers. For that reason, college should be free for everyone, no matter how much money someone has. This essay talks about Central Ohio Technical College's (COTC) tuition-free higher education program. In addition, this article talks about how COTC should be free for everyone, not just Knox County. The author talks about her insights about free education. It presents, on the basis of observed study and personal knowledge, the argument that individuals who otherwise could not afford it may have opportunities because of free education. The research explores …show more content…

The price of textbooks, tuition, and other related costs continues to be an obstacle for tons of students regardless of the college's greatest attempts to give financial aid. All of these economic strains not only have an effect on the individual students, but also risk the college's mission of allowing a higher education to the community. A comprehensive outlook to address the issue of college affordability is given by COTC’s proposal for free tuition. The institution may grow access to higher education and encourage diversity on campus by doing away with tuition fees, which would remove the biggest financial hurdle for students. If everyone comes together to work on these financial issues, it will be a lot easier for everyone to actually get free education. Coming together and giving out ideas on how we can make college free for everyone will just enhance the community. The financial blockades will be less of an issue for students from underrepresented societies, such as low-income families and underprivileged groups, authorizing them to run after their academic goals free from the burden of the student loan debt. I know when it comes to free education, it will take a lot for us to make it happen. The free tuition project requires a comprehensive …show more content…

Welcome to Central Ohio Technical College! 2022, March 7 -. Drozdowski, M. J. & Co., Ltd. 2023, August 30 -. Should college be free? - Best Warren, K. W., & Sonti, S. (2016, January 8). Why College Should Be Free -- For Rich and Poor Alike. Chronicle of Higher Education, 62(17), A26–A27. Why Public Higher Education Should Be Free: How to Decrease Cost and Increase Quality at American Universities. a. The adage of the adage of the adage of the adage of the Publishers Weekly, 260(22), 48. the Editor, L. to. (2019, July 2). Letters - Free college, gerrymandering, Julian Castro, Beto O’Rourke, President Trump, social media. Dallas Morning News, The

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