Cost Containment In Health Care

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Cost containment is what a facility or company does to control the expenses that are needed to operate a company or complete a company’s project. And to do so while remaining within a budget that has been pre-determined for that facility. The intention is to keep the overall costs down to only what is necessary and required in order to maintain the desired budget. This can result in companies or facilities “cutting costs” in areas that may not need to be overlooked. This causes frustration and embarrassment of the company or facility’s employees, lower productivity and quality of service, and the possibility of spending more money than they intended to save. It is understood that the goal of containing costs is to maximize the profit of the facility, but at what cost to the general presentation and reputation of the facility?
In the healthcare field, with nurses in particular, cost containment has become a significant source of frustration. This is because financial managers sometimes go overboard with the cutting of costs. These managers may cut the budget that the facility has for supplies that they assume are unnecessary expenses. Say, hypothetically, that a manager decided …show more content…

Say this facility was to cut down the number of self-adhesive polyurethane dressings that they purchase each month and this saves the facility significantly. As a result, the nurses have to use twice as much alternative dressing material that equals up to more than they saved by cutting down in the first place. Instead of saving a certain amount of money in a month the facility actually spends an additional amount of money. Aside from it costing the facility more money, this also costs the client more money as well, because they are the ones being charged for whatever materials and services are being

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