Cosmopolitanism In Australia Essay

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When you type the word cosmopolitan into the internet the first result back is a fashion magazine followed by a delicious cocktail recipe. However the term cosmopolitanism has been around far longer dating back to the 4th Century, it is a Greek expression meaning ‘citizen of the world’. With globalisation increasingly interconnecting the world economically and culturally in both positive and negative ways, taking a cosmopolitan approach to the world is an open minded way of recognising and dealing with global issues. It is a concept that is relevant to not only my own life but everyone, we are all affected by globalisation. Globalisation has led to more work opportunities in Australia and the world, attracting skilled immigrants to the area. People from other cultures hold different cultural values, traditions, looks and ways of living life to those of the local area. When foreigners migrate to a different country they often struggle to feel welcome and can be victims to racism, discrimination and criticism. (Shah, 2010). I believe immigrants …show more content…

I have a large amount of pride for my country, I have grown up hearing stories of mateship from our soldiers and support for our athletes, actors and representors of Australia. At school we learn about terrorism, usually associated with Islamic extremist. I never thought that Australians would be involved in any dangerous acts because we are such a loving country. A citizen of the world accepts that they can be wrong. When reading Silvester’s article (2015) about 2 Australian citizens setting a car bomb off with the intent to kill as many police on Russell Street in 1986 I realised I was wrong. Not all Australians have good values and mateship. Cosmopolitanism allow for people to have their own opinions however there are boundaries where it becomes intolerant. I understand that not everyone likes police, however it will never justify

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