Cosmetology Personal Statement

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my goal is to be a beautician and business woman, beautician: Beauticians are responsible for enhancing their customers' appearances by offering their clientele a variety of services. You will be styling hair as well as possibly providing other services such as manicures, pedicures, and hair removal according to “Beautician: Job Duties, Career Outlook, and Educational Requirements”. Business women are people involved in business, where in particular undertaking of activities, commercial according to “Businessperson”. all my dreams begin in 2013 when my mother hired a professional beautician at home for teaching my sisters and I, it was that day I decided to be a beautician and business woman. I did twice the aesthetic training …show more content…

After this examination I will get a licensing and I will change my student status to a citizens American Because I have a f1 visa, and it is not permit me to work anymore after changing my status I will find a job in a hair salon. After cosmetology I will study business administration. Business administration is a wide field that incorporates many types of management positions. From major corporations to independent businesses, every operation needs skilled administrators in order to succeed. I will be concentrate in an entrepreneurship and small business. After all my study I will create my own hair salon and beauty shop. For my conclusion of my goal life after my ESL program I will be transfer to MATC for my cosmetology major it will take one year and a half, I will change my student status for work. I will study the business administration also; about business I can not find much information, but I have many questions in my mind about business in what I can do, questions like what is a franchisee, can I do cosmetology and business for 2years or can I do cosmetology and franchisee. But I contacted an assistant manager of a hair salon. I am waiting for her advice. I will create my own hair salon and beauty

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