Cory Mackenson Character Analysis

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Hurricane Harvey is one of the biggest life challenges that many people in Houston and southern Louisiana have ever experienced in their lifetime. Fortunately, this experience has brought the best out of people causing many of them to come forward to risk their lives in order to save people whose lives the flood has severely impacted. Similarly, Robert McCammon’s book titled Boy’s Life reflects upon many events that highlight a positive character that springs forth from a young child named Cory Mackenson. Cory Mackenson transitions from childhood by undergoing sinister and humiliating events that come together to shape him up into a confident individual.
There is difficulty in diminishing tense racial relations that exist among a Southern community …show more content…

Cory Mackenson promotes courage by fighting against Old Moses and standing up to the Branlins brothers. When Cory’s mom and Nila Castile save Mr. Thornberry during the Bruton flash flood, Cory and Gavin are left to fend for themselves against Old Moses. Old Moses attacking them urges Cory, “I picked up the broomstick, and when Old Moses hit the doorway again I jammed that broom right down its gaping, dog-swallowing throat” (106). Cory protecting himself and Gavin from Old Moses demonstrates a sign of maturity and bravery. More specifically, it involves taking the leap of faith in doing something that not many young children would be capable of doing. Cory takes another step in showing how he cares about others when the Branlins show up at the baseball field and harass Cory and his friends. The Branlins set their signs on Nemo Curliss and make fun of his lisp which infuriates Cory, “I thought of Rocket being kicked over. I thought of the tears on Nemo’s face. I threw the baseball at Gordo from about ten feet” (169). Standing up to bullies is an action that many people are fearful in taking but Cory displays the intolerance he has towards bullying by doing what is right. Cory’s overall valor throughout the novel demonstrates the possibility for young children to also have the ability of exemplifying absolute

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