Corruption In The Hunger Games By Katniss

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A corrupt government leads to unfairness, creating a negative effect on society. Unethical decisions are made for private gain, benefiting an authority figure. In Suzanne Collins novel, The Hunger Games, authority is cruel and oppressive. Katniss feels obligated to engage in sparking the rebellion against authority for the essential well being of the citizens. Katniss's father was rarely referred throughout the novel. However, his death caused by a mining explosion, profoundly affected her. Following his decease, Katniss adopted a stoic attitude to life so as to provide for her family giving her responsibility and maturity. While Katniss’s mother was unable to cope with the loss, she had taken on the role of her family’s head of household. …show more content…

The country of Panem is split into twelve divisions of population. Each district surrounded by a fence that no one is allowed over “Separating the Meadow from the woods, in fact enclosing all of District 12, is a high chain-link fence topped with barbed-wire loops” (4). The citizens are divided amongst districts and different social class, it is then easier for the Capitol to manipulate and rule the people. Social isolation contributes to the lack of attitude of rebellion against injustice. The Hunger Games consist of citizens of Panem who become nothing more than pawns in an elaborate game of life or death, suffering for the entertainment of the Capitol and a mandatory viewing for the people that is meant to enforce control over the districts and remind them that the Capitol will have no mercy for those who disobey. The reaping can exploit children, you are eligible to be reaped at the age of twelve therefore, the reaping systematically harms innocent children. You can opt to add your name more times for the reaping, if you are in need of a tessera to support your family, as did …show more content…

It discriminates against the poorer citizens who need extra resources hence, make themselves more likely tributes compared to the higher districts “District Twelve. Where you can starve to death in safety” (6). Katniss despises the government who rules the country, and all the cruelty and ignorance for which they stand. The games that are televised are the ultimate cruelty to the people as a constant reminder of a past failed rebellion. According to Katniss she feels the real message is clear “Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there’s nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did in District 13” (19). During The Hunger Games, many acts of defiance take place despite the Capitol’s authoritarian control over the people of Panem. Katniss and Gale illegally hunt which is an act of rebellion. Katniss is a hunter, and she feeds her family primarily with what she can catch or kill in the woods outside District 12 thus, they are violating the Capitol’s rules of trespassing beyond the fence that imprisons their District. This can also refer to the existence of the Hob, an active black market of District 12, a location to purchase and sell banned items, such as spirits, poached game, or other goods illegally

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