Corruption In Church In The Middle Ages

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Intro Throughout this paper, we will look into the disappointing church corruption of the middle ages, more specifically, the unbiblical practices, serious problems, hypocritical popes, and finally, the people trying to fight the corruption!

Problems To begin, there were two major problems with the church in the middle ages. Firstly, the bible was not easily accessible to the general public, due to the fact that it was written in latin - a language that only scholars, high church leaders, and elites could speak, read, or understand. Because of this, many of the common people simply had to believe whatever was told to them by their priest, which gave the priest an abundance of power and liberty to convince the people of anything he believed …show more content…

The church taught them everything they needed to know; they told them right from wrong, they were the gateway to the afterlife, and they even taught them that boiling an egg took as long as a prayer! They relied on the church for everything, so whenever the black plague hit, people ran to the church. The people assumed the plague was God’s punishment, but they had hope because they thought if they were saved by the church they would be cured. However, the church had no idea how to cure the disease, thus losing a lot of the reputation and trust they had been building for the past centuries. Many people turned to God during this time, but just as many people believed that since the church had broken their trust, there was nothing left to live for, and so they turned to sin and wickedness. Doctors stopped treating patients and told them to go to a priest and confess before they died, only to have the priests reject them or not properly execute the procedure. These people legitimately thought they were going to go to hell because their priests would not complete the procedure, and so people turned even further away from the Catholic Church and all of its beliefs. (“Black Death and Church”) Worse even than many churches turning away people, some churches grew rich off of many sinful practices such as Simony or selling of indulgences. This brings us to our next …show more content…

The word Simony comes from a man named Simon in the bible, who tried to buy they power to gift the holy spirit. (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica “Simony”) (Acts 8:18-23) - “When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!”” In Dante’s inferno, there was an entire section of hell dedicated to the church leaders who practiced Simony! (Dante Alighieri “Dante’s Inferno”) When the church leaders become inauthentic, the church members are lead astray.
Another sin of deceit is the worship and selling of relics. Similar to selling of indulgences, priests would make people pay money to see or touch relics. The priest would tell the people some sort of lie, for example, that if they touched the ‘skull of John the Baptist’ they would be healed. People trusted the priests, and so they would make long pilgrimages to go and see these great relics. In (Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales “The Pardoner’s Tale”) the Pardoner speaks about how he fools his audience into paying loads of money to look at and touch his

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