Corporate Psychopaths

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Psychopaths are sick. And sick people are irresponsible. Corporate Psychopaths are managers with no conscience who are willing to lie and are able to present a charming façade in order to gain managerial promotion via a ruthlessly opportunistic and manipulative approach to career advancement. The presence of Corporate Psychopaths within organisations has important implications for the way resources are allocated and companies are run and for this reason the concept is worth examining further.
A psychologically oriented definition of what a psychopath is comes from the book ‘A
Dictionary of Psychology’ which defines it thus; “A mental disorder roughly equivalent to antisocial personality disorder, …show more content…

Thus Corporate Psychopaths are not psychotic or delusional (insane) but merely opportunistic, lacking any concern for the consequences of their actions and ruthless in their pursuit of their own aims and ambitions. Self-gratification is their main aim in life.
Psychologist Dr. John Clarke, an Australian academic has also been working along the same lines as Hare as reported in a recent Australian Broadcasting Corporation Television programme (Newby 2005). Clarke has recently written a book on the subject, somewhat revealingly called ‘Working with Monsters’. Drawing on this book the ABC programme
YANNICK MOTREFF TOPIC 1 reported that up to 0.5% of women and 2% of men could be classified as psychopaths and described how coming across them in organisations could present an employee with situations of harassment and humiliation. Psychopaths are also described as being grandiose, manipulative and cold-hearted (Bernstein et al. 2000) and lacking in genuine remorse or empathy. Other traits, described in a New Scientist article (Spinney, 2004) …show more content…

Creating chaos and confusion so that they can draw attention away from themselves and manipulate events to their own ends are their means.
During all the documentary, we can see that the main objective is to make profit without repecting the moral laws or the environment. Making profit can erase many principles such as employees working, environmental’s impact or business and policitics relationships also.
It’s true that we are always find a negative point of the multinational firm but the government it’s not enough implicated to stop this increasement. Contrary, government put in place place such as in Ireland or in United State where companies pay less taxes. Moreover, companies can make agreements for some things like change rate and liberalization of capital flux. So, we can conclude that as if corporates overcome limits they can always make like they want. So, step by step we are creating a State of multinational where the human rights and the environment are not the

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